Friday, March 12, 2010

1003.2273.pdf (application/pdf Object)

1003.2273.pdf (application/pdf Object)

1 comment:

  1. Is the speed of light invariant or covariant?
    Authors: Daniele Sasso
    (Submitted on 11 Mar 2010)

    Abstract: According to the theory of ether light propagates with constant speed c with respect to the absolute reference frame and with respect to any other reference frame the speed of light is covariant. According to the theory of special relativity the speed of light is invariant with respect to any reference frame. The new theory of reference frames gives a different answer to this question with the consideration of two speeds of light: the physical speed and the relativistic speed. After considering a few negative aspects of the two main theories a few fundamentals of the new theory are expounded.

    Comments: 8 pages, 4 figures
    Subjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
    Cite as: arXiv:1003.2273v1 [physics.gen-ph]
    Submission history
    From: Daniele Sasso [view email]
    [v1] Thu, 11 Mar 2010 08:27:52 GMT (130kb)
    Which authors of this paper are endorsers?
