Thursday, December 9, 2010

Look: What your reaction to someone's eye movements says about your politics

Look: What your reaction to someone's eye movements says about your politics

The Great Debate Panel: Can Scientists Determine What is, in Fact, Right and Wrong?


Baby aspirin linked to reduced cancer deaths -

Baby aspirin linked to reduced cancer deaths -

Microbe gets toxic response : Nature News

Microbe gets toxic response : Nature News

A Bacterium That Can Grow by Using Arsenic Instead of Phosphorus | Science/AAAS

A Bacterium That Can Grow by Using Arsenic Instead of Phosphorus | Science/AAAS

Sex, Frogs, and Rock & Roll

Sex, Frogs, and Rock & Roll


Cosmic Log - Could X particle solve two puzzles?

Cosmic Log - Could X particle solve two puzzles?

Mathematical immortality? Name that theorem - physics-math - 03 December 2010 - New Scientist

Mathematical immortality? Name that theorem - physics-math - 03 December 2010 - New Scientist

New life form found on Earth: Deadly arsenic breathes life into organisms (Update, Video)

New life form found on Earth: Deadly arsenic breathes life into organisms (Update, Video)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Allais Paradox | Wired Science�|

The Allais Paradox | Wired Science�| - The Scale of the Universe - The Scale of the Universe

Why genes are leftwing | Oliver James | Comment is free | The Guardian

Why genes are leftwing | Oliver James | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Knobe Effect

3quarksdaily: "The Knobe Effect"

Fermilab is Building a 'Holometer' to Determine Once and For All Whether Reality Is Just an Illusion | Popular Science

Fermilab is Building a 'Holometer' to Determine Once and For All Whether Reality Is Just an Illusion | Popular Science

Malawi cichlids – how aggressive males create diversity | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Malawi cichlids – how aggressive males create diversity | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

The Poetry of Science: Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson

3quarksdaily: "The Poetry of Science: Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Benoît Mandelbrot, 1924-2010

3quarksdaily: "Beno�t Mandelbrot, 1924-2010"

The Knobe Effect


Societies evolve in steps : Nature News

Societies evolve in steps : Nature News

The Johnson Thermoelectric Energy Converter


So, what does Stephen Hawking's The Grand Design tell us about God? - By Peter Galison - Slate Magazine

So, what does Stephen Hawking's The Grand Design tell us about God? - By Peter Galison - Slate Magazine

Feeling chipper, the wood ant caught bringing science to life | Mail Online

Feeling chipper, the wood ant caught bringing science to life | Mail Online

Cosmic Log - Bacteria can walk on 'legs'

Cosmic Log - Bacteria can walk on 'legs'

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg opens up : The New Yorker

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg opens up : The New Yorker

Graphene Will Change the Way We Live


Craig Callender and Sean Carroll � Philosophy TV

Craig Callender and Sean Carroll � Philosophy TV: "Craig Callender and Sean Carroll"

Who's Counting: Do Summer Births Mean More Boy Births? - ABC News

Who's Counting: Do Summer Births Mean More Boy Births? - ABC News

Cosmic Log - Scrunched-up dimensions untangled

Cosmic Log - Scrunched-up dimensions untangled

How cheaper genomes fuel science


The Human Hard Drive: How We Make (And Lose) Memories | Going Mental | Big Think

The Human Hard Drive: How We Make (And Lose) Memories | Going Mental | Big Think

Some antidepressants alter peoples' moral judgement

Some antidepressants alter peoples' moral judgement

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Deepak Chopra: Stephen Hawking's Grand Book -- Where Is the Design?

Deepak Chopra: Stephen Hawking's Grand Book -- Where Is the Design?

Gary Hart: The Collapse of Basic Assumptions and Conventional Wisdom

Gary Hart: The Collapse of Basic Assumptions and Conventional Wisdom

Dr. Reese Halter: Global Warming and Human-Induced Changes at the North Pole

Dr. Reese Halter: Global Warming and Human-Induced Changes at the North Pole

Dr. Denis Alexander: How Evolution Gets Used and Abused in the Science-Religion Debate

Dr. Denis Alexander: How Evolution Gets Used and Abused in the Science-Religion Debate

Revealed: The right moves for men on the dance floor

Revealed: The right moves for men on the dance floor

"Delusions of Gender": The bad science of brain sexism - Nonfiction -

"Delusions of Gender": The bad science of brain sexism - Nonfiction -

What Does It Mean for a Theory to Function as an Accounting Method? : Evolution for Everyone

What Does It Mean for a Theory to Function as an Accounting Method? : Evolution for Everyone

Murray Gell-Mann on beauty and truth in physics

3quarksdaily: "Murray Gell-Mann on beauty and truth in physics"

I was wrong about veganism. Let them eat meat – but farm it properly

3quarksdaily: "I was wrong about veganism. Let them eat meat – but farm it properly"

Does Your Language Shape How You Think? -

Does Your Language Shape How You Think? -

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Prozac for the Planet: an article by Christopher Cokinos | The American Scholar

Prozac for the Planet: an article by Christopher Cokinos | The American Scholar

Stephen Hawking: God was not needed to create the Universe - Telegraph

Stephen Hawking: God was not needed to create the Universe - Telegraph

Scientists Square Off on Evolutionary Value of Helping Relatives -

Scientists Square Off on Evolutionary Value of Helping Relatives -

What Is Consciousness?


"Why Do Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers?"

3quarksdaily: "Why Do Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers?"

symmetry breaking � Blog Archive � The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

symmetry breaking � Blog Archive � The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

Darby Roach: Why We Like What We Like

Darby Roach: Why We Like What We Like

When Value Judgments Masquerade as Science

3quarksdaily: "When Value Judgments Masquerade as Science"

Matthew Edlund, M.D.: 8 Ways to Unplug and Recharge Your Brain

Matthew Edlund, M.D.: 8 Ways to Unplug and Recharge Your Brain

Steven Gubser on String Theory

3quarksdaily: "Steven Gubser on String Theory"

The secret history of psychedelic psychiatry : Neurophilosophy

The secret history of psychedelic psychiatry : Neurophilosophy

First Ant Genomes Promise Insight into Epigenetics and Longevity: Scientific American

First Ant Genomes Promise Insight into Epigenetics and Longevity: Scientific American

Back From the Future: Can Measurements Performed in the Future Influence the Present?

3quarksdaily: "Back From the Future: Can Measurements Performed in the Future Influence the Present?"


3quarksdaily: "Infinite Doppelg�ngers May Explain Quantum Probabilities"